ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011 Nominee’s Exhibition
The ESSL ART AWARD is dedicated to the discovery and support of young creative talents in Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia. The ESSL ART AWARD aims at supporting artists who are still in training. Collaboration with the art academies is a central point in this endeavour, as they are the nucleus and well-established centres for the training of future generations of artists.
The ESSL ART AWARD covers the countries besides Austria where bauMax has a business presence: Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. Through local contacts, bauMax essentially supports the organisation and implementation of the ESSL ART AWARD which is designed to promote and disseminate the contemporary art of these countries at an international level.
The jury will shortlist 10 artists per country (“the nominees”) in an internet voting procedure. Each shortlisted group will be presented in a public group exhibition in the respective capital cities (May/June 2011). The
exhibition venues will be determined by the Essl Museum. The jury will select the Awards and the Special Invitation on site and open the exhibition. The awards will be announced at the opening.
The 10 Hungarian nominees were: BASA Anikó, BADA Emőke, BÉKÉSI Ervin, HÁMORI Anett, JAGICZA Patrícia, KANICS Dorottya, KUJBUS János, SÁRAI Lajos, SZENTPÉTERY Annamária és ULBERT Ádám
Winners: BADA Emőke and HÁMORI Anett
Address: Arany János u. 32, 1051 Budapest, Hungary